Just upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 2

After reading a post on Planet Ubuntu Users, I grew envious that I didn't have the latest and greatest of Ubuntu--so I decide to take the plunge. First I tried the sudo update-manager -c -d, which error'ed out. So I hacked away at the /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/UpdateManager/DistUpgradeFetcher.py file by adding import os. Everything started going fine, except my connection was crawling (almost dial-up speeds)--there was no way that I was going to wait. So I grabbed the latest ISO, picking the alternate install just to avoid the hassle of booting up into the live cd. Everything worked nicely--except I got a little worried when the install hung for ten minutes when installing Tomboy. But with a little patience, everything installed properly. I'm currently updating the system and looking into the new Dual Monitor tool. I am looking forward to exploring this new toy!